Friday, September 13, 2013

On Today's Global Economy

The Dark Side of Economy

The current economy has many pros and cons.  The most significant aspect of today’s global economy is the greater and increasing gap between the wealthy and the poor.  The economy of slow developing countries, such as those countries in Africa, do not allow them to earn money in many instances not for their own economic circumstances, but due to money exchange issues, and the lack of pricing control.  Thus, the economy of these countries is solely driven by cash flows without any expectations on true earnings based on their GDP. So, some economies can expand on the so called black markets to leverage their inability to attain true net earning on any domestic product, or advantage on the import-to-export balance.
Other, better developing countries, like Colombia, face some sort of economic class unbalance, as peasants, except for coffee growers, are not guaranteed a prices to provide them with earnings on their revenue.  Instead, they are usually forced to sell at a basic price where the distributors, whole sale and retailers, make the most of their earnings in comparison to smaller net revenue for the peasants.  Although this is a rather internal problem, it is comparable to the African money exchange scenario, as it could potentially lead to the development of a black market.  Colombian peasants recently complained about export reduction, but the government has reopened new export agreements with countries like Venezuela.  On the other hand, peasants’ civil rights, are comparable to those of aborigins in the United States, and could probably be supported or at least monitored by international law.

In developed countries like the USA, France, and even other members of the European Union, the economic difficulties are deeply related to the unbalance of education and the workplace environment. Thus, many recent graduates end up starting their first job (première embauche) in performing clerical tasks or at least quite underpaid in an internship, promising or not. In other scenarios, entrepreneurial activities of recent graduates involve group sales and associated residual income model, which can usually work for those who stay long in the business and sacrifice a significant amount of their time after some frustrating experience.

While there are many areas of career development such as cosmetic medicine, such as anti-aging medicine, cosmetic surgery, including hair implantation, among others; biomedical engineering graduates can also deal with great competition in what is considered the most promising inter-disciplinary technical career at the present time.

On the other hand, many black market activities inspire the attention of some European men’s health care magazines: for instance, sperm trafficking out of illegal massage parlors, usually hosted in mobile domestic locations, and handled by legal professional who literally smuggle the genetic material into the legal genetic market for research or experimentation. This is probably one of the greatest invisibly untaxed business in North America. Indeed, this is quite opposite to the egg market, which is an expanding legal business with great profitability to women.

Similarly, the attack on minorities when performing business such as rental activities, job contracting, are other contracting, are in many instances set up by group inspired in conspiracy of those minority career interests, which include lack of good will in doing business from startup. Most scams can include the offer of online department stores incentives, like Walmart, which are then paid with counterfeited money orders, with the sole purpose of discrediting the individual.  
Exhibit A. I was once black mailed with Walmart counterfeited money orders.

Likewise, making payments with illegal checks with techniques such as overpayment bounced check or multi-inked checks are usually performed as attacks on minorities when doing business, which tend place minority businesses at high risk.
Exhibit B I was personally the target of fraud via a check for a potential security deposit and first month rental, which never happened.

Other similar activities deal with the intellectual property, such as literary or artistic copy rights, which clearly affects the authors, writers, or singers, whose media revenue is shrunk in the black market illegal distribution. Currently, royalty payments to writers and artists are typically delayed, and no one seems to take responsibility in the publishers side when automatic quarterly billing payment takes place.

Other black market activities are historic: auto theft and distribution of parts still remains an important networking activity; which sometimes expands into sending vehicles to developing countries.

These are only a few of many activities where today’s global economy is rather twisted and out of control and basic monitoring.

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